Ближайший офис

Описание Эксетерского университета

University of Exeter является государственным исследовательским университетом. Он находится в г. Экзетер, Девон, Юго-Западная Англия. Университет получил Королевскую хартию в 1955 году после слияния Королевского колледжа принца Альберта и Юго-Западного Университетского Колледжа Англии.

University of Exeter в рейтингах:

  • Входит в ТОП-10 в рейтинге The Guardian University Guide
  • Получил «золото» в категории Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF)
  • Входит в ТОП исследовательских вузов Russell Group
  • Получил максимальные 5 «звезд» от рейтинга QS
  • Входит в ТОП-150 вузов мира по рейттингу Times Higher Education World University Rankings

Университет по праву гордится тем, что 95% его выпускников находят работу в течении 6 месяцев после окончания вуза.

Бизнес школа Университета Экзетера является одной из лучших в Великобритании. По версии Национального студенческого опроса в 2006 г. университет занимал 1 позицию  в стране по таким специальностям, как бизнес, бухгалтерский учет, финансы, и менеджмент. Академические результаты University of Exeter ставят его в 25% британских университетов, которые имеют все необходимые ресурсы для успешного обучения.

University of Exeter имеет четыре городка (кампуса):
  • Стритхэм (в Экзетере)
  • Св.Луки (в Экзетере)
  • Труро (в Корнуолле)
  • Пенрин (в Корнуолле)
Стрихэм является крупнейшим кампусом, в котором находятся многие административные здания университета, и считается самым красивым в стране.

Кампус Св. Луки находится в 1,6 км от кампуса Стритхэм и в десяти минутах ходьбы от центра Экзетера. В кампус входят крупнейшая академическая школа университета, Высшая школа образования, а также департамент спорта и наук о здоровье.

Университетский городок Пенрин управляется совместно с университетом Фолмут в рамках Объединённой сети Корнуольских университетов. Кампус является частью  Корнуолльского проекта Объединенных университетов, и делит территорию с университетом Фалмута. На кампусе представлен факультет всемирно известного Кемборнского горного училища, выпускники которых пользуются большим спросом в горнодобывающей промышленности и промышленности гражданского строительства, а также в секторе возобновляемых источников энергии. Другие отделы в Penryn - быстрорастущий Центр по экологии и сохранению (CEC), Институт окружающей среды и устойчивого развития (ESI) и Институт корнуолла. Кампус расположен на 100 акрах (40 гектаров) сельской местности, недалеко от городов Пенрин и Фалмут. В кампусе проживает около 4000 студентов.

Стоимость обучения в University of Exeter:
  • бизнес, экономика, финансы, маркетинг - 23 700 фунтов в год
  • биология, психология, науки о спрте - 23 700 фунтов в год
  • компьютерные науки - 24 500 фунтов в год
  • инженерия, геология, физика - 27 000 фунтов в год
  • медицина - 45 700 фунтов в год
University of Exeter является членом Russell Group, группы ведущих исследовательских университетов Великобритании. Университет также является членом Европейской ассоциации университетов и Ассоциации университетов Содружества и является аккредитованным учреждением Ассоциации МВА (AMBA).

Программы обучения University of Exeter


Известные выпускники:
Английская писательница Джоан Роулинг (1986), Британский историк Рут Гудман, старший внук королевы Питер Филлипс, Абдулла Гюль (президент Турции с 2007-2014 г.) и многие другие. 
Сейчас в университете проходят обучение более 23 тысяч студентов из ста стран мира!

Бизнес, менеджмент, экономика, маркетинг


  • Accounting and Finance BSc
  • Accounting and Finance with European Study BSc
  • Accounting and Finance with Industrial Experience BSc
  • Accounting and Finance with International Study BSc
  • Business and Accounting with European Study BSc
  • Business and Accounting with Industrial Experience BSc
  • Business and Accounting with International Study BSc
  • Business and Management BA
  • Business and Management with European Study BA
  • Business and Management with Industrial Experience BA
  • Business and Management with International Study BA
  • Management with Marketing BA
  • Management with Marketing with European Study BA
  • Management with Marketing with Industrial Experience BA
  • Management with Marketing with International Study BA
  • Business BSc
  • Business with European Study BSc
  • Business with Industrial Experience BSc
  • Business with International Study BSc
  • Economics BSc
  • Economics with European Study BSc
  • Economics with Industrial Experience BSc
  • Economics with International Study BSc
  • Business Economics BSc
  • Business Economics with European Study BSc
  • Business Economics with Industrial Experience BSc
  • Business Economics with International Study BSc
  • Economics with Econometrics BSc
  • Economics with Econometrics with European Study BSc
  • Economics with Econometrics with Industrial Experience BSc
  • Economics with Econometrics with International Study BSc
  • Economics and Finance BSc
  • Economics and Finance with European Study BSc
  • Economics and Finance with Industrial Experience BSc
  • Economics and Finance with International Study BSc
  • Economics and Politics BSc
  • Economics and Politics with European Study BSc
  • Economics and Politics with Industrial Experience BSc
  • Economics and Politics with International Study BSc
  • Mathematical Sciences BSc
  • Mathematical Sciences (Ecology and Evolution) MSci
  • Mathematical Sciences (Energy Systems and Control) MSci
  • Mathematical Sciences (Environmental Science) MSci
  • Mathematics BSc
  • Mathematics MMath
  • Mathematics with International Study MMath
  • Mathematics with Professional Experience MMath
  • Mathematics (Climate Science) MSci
  • Mathematics (Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics) MSci
  • Mathematics (Mathematical Biology) MSci
  • Mathematics with Accounting BSc
  • Mathematics with Economics BSc
  • Mathematics with Finance BSc
  • Mathematics with Management BSc
  • Mathematics and Physics BSc
  • Mathematics with Accounting MSci
  • Mathematics with Economics MSci
  • Mathematics with Finance MSci
  • Mathematics with Management MSci

  • Accounting and Finance MSc
  • Accounting and Taxation MSc
  • Advanced Mathematics MSc
  • Behavioural Economics and Finance MSc
  • Economics MSc
  • Economics and Econometrics MSc
  • Economics MRes
  • Financial Economics MSc
  • Finance and Investment MSc
  • Finance and Management MSc
  • Financial Analysis and Fund Management MSc
  • Finance and Marketing MSc
  • Financial Mathematics MSc
  • Global Political Economy MRes
  • International Film Business MA
  • Money and Banking MSc
  • Human Resource Management MSc/PgDip
  • International Management MSc
  • International Tourism Management MSc
  • International Hospitality Management MSc
  • Management MRes
  • Marketing MSc
  • MBA - The Exeter MBA

Гуманитарные и социальные науки, психология, лингвистика


  • Anthropology BA
  • Anthropology with Study Abroad BA
  • Anthropology BSc
  • Anthropology with Study Abroad BSc
  • Ancient History BA
  • Ancient History with Employment Experience / Employment Experience Abroad BA
  • Ancient History with Study Abroad BA
  • Ancient History and Archaeology BA
  • Ancient History and Archaeology with Employment Experience / Employment Experience Abroad BA
  • Ancient History and Archaeology with Study Abroad BA
  • Applied Psychology (Clinical) MSci
  • Arabic and Islamic Studies MArabic
  • Archaeology BA
  • Archaeology with Employment Experience / Employment Experience Abroad BA
  • Archaeology with Study Abroad BA
  • Archaeology and Anthropology BA
  • Archaeology and Anthropology with Employment Experience / Employment Experience Abroad BA
  • Archaeology and Anthropology with Study Abroad BA
  • Archaeology with Forensic Science BSc
  • Archaeology with Forensic Science with Employment Experience / Employment Experience Abroad BSc
  • Archaeology with Forensic Science with Study Abroad BSc
  • Art History and Visual Culture BA
  • Art History and Visual Culture with Employment Experience / Employment Experience Abroad BA
  • Art History and Visual Culture with Study Abroad BA
  • Art History and Visual Culture and Classical Studies BA
  • Art History and Visual Culture with Classical Studies with Employment Experience / Employment Experience Abroad BA
  • Art History and Visual Culture and Classical Studies with Study Abroad BA
  • Art History and Visual Culture with Drama with Employment Experience / Employment Experience Abroad BA
  • Art History and Visual Culture and English BA
  • Art History and Visual Culture with English with Employment Experience / Employment Experience Abroad BA
  • Art History and Visual Culture and English with Study Abroad BA
  • Art History and Visual Culture and History BA
  • Art History and Visual Culture with History with Employment Experience / Employment Experience Abroad BA
  • Art History and Visual Culture and History with Study Abroad BA
  • Art History and Visual Culture and Modern Languages BA
  • Art History and Visual Culture and Drama BA
  • Art History and Visual Culture and Drama with Study Abroad BA
  • Chinese language BA
  • Classical Studies BA
  • Classical Studies with Employment Experience / Employment Experience Abroad BA
  • Classical Studies with Study Abroad BA
  • Classics BA
  • Classics with Employment Experience / Employment Experience Abroad BA
  • Classics with Study Abroad BA
  • Classical Studies and English BA
  • Classical Studies and English with Employment Experience / Employment Experience Abroad BA
  • Classical Studies and English with Study Abroad BA
  • Classical Studies and Modern Languages BA
  • Classical Studies and Philosophy BA
  • Classical Studies and Philosophy with Employment Experience / Employment Experience Abroad BA
  • Classical Studies and Philosophy with Study Abroad BA
  • Classical Studies and Theology BA
  • Classical Studies and Theology with Employment Experience / Employment Experience Abroad BA
  • Classical Studies and Theology with Study Abroad BA
  • English BA (Exeter)
  • English with Employment Experience / Employment Experience Abroad BA (Exeter)
  • English with Study Abroad BA (Exeter)
  • English with Study in North America BA
  • English and Drama BA
  • English and Drama with Employment Experience / Employment Experience Abroad BA
  • English and Drama with Study Abroad BA
  • English and Film Studies BA
  • English and Film Studies with Employment Experience / Employment Experience Abroad BA
  • English and Film Studies with Study Abroad BA
  • English and Modern Languages BA
  • English BA (Penryn)
  • English with Study Abroad BA (Penryn)
  • English and History BA
  • English and History with Study Abroad BA
  • French Language BA
  • German Language BA
  • History BA (Exeter)
  • History with Employment Experience / Employment Experience Abroad BA (Exeter)
  • History with Study Abroad BA (Exeter)
  • History and Ancient History BA
  • History and Ancient History with Employment Experience / Employment Experience Abroad BA
  • History and Ancient History with Study Abroad BA
  • History and Archaeology BA
  • History and Archaeology with Employment Experience / Employment Experience Abroad BA
  • History and Archaeology with Study Abroad BA
  • History and International Relations BA
  • History and International Relations with Employment Experience / Employment Experience Abroad BA
  • History and International Relations with Study Abroad BA
  • History and Modern Languages BA
  • History BA (Penryn)
  • History with Study Abroad BA (Penryn)
  • History and Politics BA (Penryn)
  • History and Politics with Study Abroad BA (Penryn)
  • History and International Relations BA (Penryn)
  • History and International Relations with Study Abroad BA (Penryn)  
  • Italian Language BA
  • Liberal Arts BA
  • Liberal Arts with Employment Experience / Employment Experience Abroad BA (Exeter)
  • Liberal Arts with Study Abroad BA
  • Middle East Studies BA
  • Modern Languages BA
  • Modern Languages and Arabic BA
  • Modern Languages and Latin BA
  • Portuguese BA
  • Philosophy BA
  • Philosophy with Study Abroad BA
  • Philosophy and History BA
  • Philosophy and History with Study Abroad BA
  • Philosophy and Modern Languages BA
  • Philosophy and Politics BA
  • Philosophy and Politics with Study Abroad BA
  • Philosophy and Sociology BA
  • Philosophy and Sociology with Study Abroad BA
  • Philosophy and Theology BA
  • Philosophy and Theology with Study Abroad BA
  • Philosophy Combined Honours
  • Psychology BSc
  • Psychology with Sport and Exercise Science BSc
  • Psychology with Study Abroad BSc
  • Russian BA
  • Sociology BA
  • Sociology with Study Abroad BA
  • Sociology BSc
  • Sociology with Study Abroad BSc
  • Sociology and Anthropology BA
  • Sociology and Anthropology with Study Abroad BA
  • Sociology and Criminology BSc
  • Sociology and Criminology with Study Abroad BSc
  • Sociology Combined Honours
  • Sociology and Modern Languages BA
  • Spanish BA
  • Theology and Religion BA
  • Theology and Religion with Study Abroad BA
  • Theology and Religion with Employment Experience / Employment Experience Abroad BA (Exeter)

  • Animal Behaviour MSc
  • Anthrozoology MA
  • Applied Leadership Practice (Global Challenges) MSc
  • Archaeology MA
  • Bioarchaeology MSc
  • Classics and Ancient History MA
  • Classics and Ancient History: Ancient Philosophy, Science & Medicine MA
  • Classics and Ancient History: Ancient Politics & Society MA
  • Classics and Ancient History: Classical Receptions MA
  • Classics and Ancient History: Cultural Histories & Material Exchanges MA
  • Classics and Ancient History: Literary Interactions MA
  • Creative Writing MA
  • Cultural Sociology MA
  • Global Literatures and Cultures MA
  • Education MA
  • Education: Professional Learning (construct your own programme) MA
  • Education: Creative Arts in Education MA
  • Education: Language and Literacy MA
  • Education: Mathematics Education MA
  • Education: Science Education MA
  • Education: Special Educational Needs MA
  • Education: Technology, Creativity and Thinking MA
  • Educational Research MSc
  • Educational Psychology DEdPsych
  • English Literary Studies MA
  • English Literary Studies: American and Atlantic Studies MA
  • English Literary Studies: Criticism and Theory MA
  • English Literary Studies: Enlightenment to Romanticism MA
  • English Literary Studies: Film Studies MA
  • English Literary Studies: Renaissance Studies MA
  • English Literary Studies: Modern and Contemporary MA
  • English Literary Studies: Victorian Studies MA
  • Economic and Social History MRes
  • Experimental Archaeology MA
  • History MA
  • International Heritage Management and Consultancy MA
  • International Heritage Management and Consultancy Mres
  • International Heritage Management and Consultancy PgDip
  • International Heritage Management and Consultancy PgCert
  • Islamic Studies MA
  • Medieval Studies MA
  • Middle East and Islamic Studies MA
  • Middle East Studies MRes
  • Philosophy MA
  • Philosophy and Sociology of Science MA
  • Psychological Research Methods MSc
  • Roman Archaeology MA
  • Sociology MA
  • Science and Technology Studies MRes
  • Social and Organisational Psychology MSc
  • Teacher Training PGCE
  • Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages MEd/PgDip/PgCert
  • Theology MA
  • Translation Studies MA

Естественные науки, медицина, спорт, питание


  • Animal Behaviour BSc
  • Animal Behaviour MSci
  • Animal Behaviour with Professional Placement BSc
  • Animal Behaviour with Study Abroad BSc
  • Biochemistry BSc
  • Biochemistry with Industrial Experience BSc
  • Biochemistry with Study Abroad BSc
  • Biological and Medicinal Chemistry BSc
  • Biological and Medicinal Chemistry with Industrial Experience BSc
  • Biological and Medicinal Chemistry with Study Abroad BSc
  • Biological Sciences BSc
  • Biological Sciences with Professional Placement BSc
  • Biological Sciences with Study Abroad BSc
  • Conservation Biology and Ecology BSc
  • Conservation Biology and Ecology MSci
  • Conservation Biology and Ecology with Professional Placement BSc
  • Conservation Biology and Ecology with Study Abroad BSc
  • Exercise and Sport Sciences BSc
  • Exercise and Sport Sciences with Study Abroad BSc
  • Exercise and Sport Sciences MSci
  • Evolutionary Biology BSc
  • Evolutionary Biology MSci
  • Evolutionary Biology with Professional Placement BSc
  • Evolutionary Biology with Study Abroad BSc
  • Human Sciences BA/BSc
  • Human Sciences with Professional Placement BA/BSc
  • Human Sciences with Study Abroad BA/BSc
  • Human Biosciences BSc
  • Marine Biology BSc
  • Marine Biology MSci
  • Marine Biology with Professional Placement BSc
  • Marine Biology with Study Abroad BSc
  • Medicine BMBS
  • Medical Imaging (Diagnostic Radiography) BSc
  • Medical Sciences BSc
  • Medical Sciences with Professional Training Year BSc
  • Natural Sciences BSc
  • Natural Sciences MSci
  • Physics BSc
  • Physics MPhys
  • Physics with Astrophysics BSc
  • Physics with Astrophysics MPhys
  • Physics with North American Study MPhys
  • Physics with Professional Experience MPhys
  • Physics with Study in Australia MPhys
  • Physics with Study in New Zealand MPhys
  • Sport and Exercise Medical Sciences BSc
  • Sport and Exercise Medical Sciences with Professional Training Year BSc
  • Zoology BSc
  • Zoology MSci
  • Zoology with Professional Placement BSc
  • Zoology with Study Abroad BSc

  • Applied Health Services Research MSc
  • Clinical Education MSc
  • Conservation and Biodiversity MSc
  • Environment and Human Health MSc
  • Extreme Medicine MSc
  • Food Security and Sustainable Agriculture MSc
  • Food Studies MA
  • Genomic Medicine MSc
  • Healthcare Leadership and Management PgCert
  • Health Services Improvement PgCert
  • Health and Wellbeing MRes
  • Methods of Applied Health Services PgCert
  • Medical Imaging MSc
  • Paediatric Exercise and Health MSc
  • Sport and Health Sciences MSc

Инженерия, производство, окружающая среда


  • Applied Geology BSc
  • Applied Geology MGeol
  • Civil Engineering BEng
  • Civil Engineering MEng
  • Civil Engineering with International Study MEng
  • Civil and Environmental Engineering MEng
  • Civil and Environmental Engineering with International Study MEng
  • Civil Engineering Site Management
  • Engineering BEng
  • Engineering MEng
  • Electronic Engineering BEng
  • Electronic Engineering MEng
  • Electronic Engineering with International Study MEng
  • Electronic Engineering and Computer Science BEng
  • Electronic Engineering and Computer Science MEng
  • Electronic Engineering and Computer Science with International Study MEng
  • Engineering Geology and Geotechnics BSc
  • Engineering Geology and Geotechnics MGeol
  • Engineering and Management BEng
  • Engineering and Management MEng
  • Engineering and Entrepreneurship MEng
  • Engineering and Management with International Study MEng
  • Environmental Science BSc
  • Environmental Science with Professional Placement BSc
  • Environmental Science with Study Abroad BSc
  • Environmental Science MSci
  • Evolutionary and Behavioural Ecology MSc
  • Geography BA/BSc (Penryn)
  • Geography with Professional Placement BA/BSc (Penryn)
  • Geography with Study Abroad BA/BSc (Penryn)
  • Geography BA (Exeter)
  • Geography with European Study BA (Exeter)
  • Geography with Study Abroad BA (Exeter)
  • Geography BSc (Exeter)
  • Geography with European Study BSc (Exeter)
  • Geography with Study Abroad BSc (Exeter)
  • Geology BSc
  • Geology MGeol
  • Materials Engineering BEng
  • Materials Engineering MEng
  • Materials Engineering with International Study MEng
  • Mechanical Engineering BEng
  • Mechanical Engineering MEng
  • Mechanical Engineering with International Study MEng
  • Mining Engineering BEng
  • Mining Engineering MEng
  • Mining Lifecycle (Professional) PgCert
  • Mining Engineering (Professional) MSc
  • Tunnel Engineering MSc
  • Renewable Energy Engineering BEng
  • Renewable Energy Engineering MEng
  • Renewable Energy Engineering with Industrial Experience MEng
  • Surveying and Land/Environmental Management MSc/PgDip

  • Civil Engineering MSc
  • Civil Engineering with Management MSc
  • Conservation Science and Policy MSc
  • Critical Human Geographies MRes
  • Engineering Business Management MSc
  • International Supply Chain Management MSc
  • Materials Engineering MSc
  • Materials Engineering with Management MSc
  • Mechanical Engineering MSc
  • Mechanical Engineering with Management MSc
  • Renewable Energy Engineering MSc
  • Structural Engineering MSc
  • Structural Engineering with Management MSc
  • Sustainable Development MSc
  • Sustainable Futures MRes
  • Water Engineering MSc
  • Water Engineering with Management MSc

Компьютерные науки, IT


  • Computer Science BSc
  • Computer Science MSci
  • Computer Science with Industrial Placement BSc
  • Computer Science and Mathematics BSc
  • Computer Science and Mathematics MSci
  • Computer Science and Mathematics with Industrial Placement BSc
  • Digital and Technology Solutions degree apprenticeship

  • Computer Science MSc
  • Computer Science with Business MSc
  • Data Science (Professional) MSc
  • Data Science MSc
  • Data Science with Business MSc

Право, политика, международные отношения


  • Criminology BSc
  • Criminology with Study Abroad BSc
  • Graduate Law LLB
  • International Relations BA
  • International Relations with Study Abroad BA
  • International Relations BA (Penryn)
  • International Relations with Study Abroad BA (Penryn)
  • Politics BA
  • Politics with Study Abroad BA
  • Politics, Philosophy and Economics BA
  • Politics, Philosophy and Economics with Study Abroad BA
  • Politics and International Relations BSc (Exeter)
  • Politics and International Relations with Study Abroad BSc (Exeter)
  • Politics Combined Honours
  • International Relations and Modern Languages BA
  • Politics and Modern Languages BA
  • Politics and Sociology BA
  • Politics and Sociology with Study Abroad BA
  • Politics and International Relations BA (Penryn)
  • Politics and International Relations with Study Abroad BA (Penryn)
  • Law LLB
  • Law with European Study LLB
  • LLB (English Law and French Law) Master 1 (Maitrise en Droit)

  • Advanced Quantitative Methods (AQM) In Social Sciences MRes
  • Applied Security Strategy MA
  • Conflict, Security and Development MA
  • European Politics MA
  • International Relations MA
  • Global Political Economy MRes
  • LLM Master of Laws
  • International Commercial Law pathway
  • Insurance Law pathway
  • International Law, Conflict and Security pathway
  • Intellectual Property Law pathway
  • International Human Rights Law pathway
  • Maritime Law pathway
  • MPA Master of Public Administration
  • European Law pathway
  • Public Administration Masters (MPA)
  • Political Thought MA
  • Politics and International Relations of the Middle East MA
  • Policy Analytics MSc
  • Politics MRes
  • Security - see MA Applied Security Strategy
  • Security Conflict and Human Rights MRes
  • Socio-Legal Research MRes

Творческие дисциплины


  • Art History & Visual Culture and Drama BA
  • Art History & Visual Culture and Drama with Study Abroad BA
  • Drama BA
  • Drama with Employment Experience / Employment Experience Abroad BA
  • Drama with Study Abroad BA
  • English and Drama BA
  • English and Drama with Employment Experience / Employment Experience Abroad BA
  • English and Drama with Study Abroad BA
  • English and Film Studies BA
  • English and Film Studies with Employment Experience / Employment Experience Abroad BA
  • English and Film Studies with Study Abroad BA
  • Film Studies BA
  • Film Studies with Employment Experience / Employment Experience Abroad BA
  • Film Studies with Study Abroad BA
  • Film Studies and Modern Languages BA

  • English Literary Studies: Film Studies MA
  • International Film Business MA
  • Theatre Practice MA

Наши преимущества

Мы в комплексе решаем вопросы своих клиентов: подбор программы, зачисление, получение визы, подготовка и сдача IELTS, бронирование проживания и перелетов.

С нами удобно: наши офисы находятся в десятках городов России, Украины и Казахстана. Мы всегда на связи! Наш экстренный телефон всегда работает!

Нашей компании 30 лет! Тысячи студентов прошли через заботливые руки наших специалистов. Наш профессиональный и жизненный опыт для Вас!


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Анкета на подбор программы обучения

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Подбор программы
моё образование:
интересующая программа:
интересующая страна:
Нажимая кнопку «Отправить», я даю согласие на обработку своих персональных данных


University of Exeter

Подбор программы
Нажимая кнопку «Отправить», я даю согласие на обработку своих персональных данных